BOLD School of Dance

LAKES ENTRANCE & ORBOST Hip Hop - Commercial Jazz - Lyrical - Hip Hop

Lakes Entrance Mechanics Hall - 18 Mechanics St, Lakes Entrance (entry & parking on Safeway side of building)

Orbost Mechanics Hall - Browning Street, Orbost


Lakes Entrance – Mechan­ics Hall
4PM — Group A: Ages 4 — 8
5PM — Group B: Ages 8 — 12 SPOTS AVAIL­ABLE

4PM — Group A: Ages 4 — 8 SPOTS AVAILAVLE
5PM — Group B: Ages 8 — 12
6PM — Group C: Per­for­mance

7:30PM — ADULTS FIT­NESS… With a Twist! — w/Cass

10AM: Kinder (3−5 years)

Orbost – Mechan­ics Hall
4PM — Group A: Ages 4 — 8 SPOTS AVAIL­ABLE
5PM — Group B: Ages 8 — 12 SPOTS AVAIL­ABLE

4PM — Group A: Ages 4 — 8
5PM — Group B: Ages 8 — 12
6PM — Group C: Performance


Times are subject to change - please check website for updates

Also available for Bridal Waltzes, Formals & Flash Mobs! Prices available upon request

Bob­bie Hall — Prin­ci­pal Teacher

As a very ener­getic child, Bobbie’s mum enrolled her into dance classes at the age of 4, where she started learn­ing Jazz. She loved it and hasn’t looked back; 19 years later she’s still going strong!

Com­pleted cer­tifi­cate II in Dance in 2006 and also has a back­ground in child­care, com­plet­ing her Cer­tifi­cate III in Children’s Ser­vices in 2012 and Cer­tifi­cate IV in Train­ing & Assess­ment in 2013.

Has stud­ied dance styles; Bal­let, Jazz, Com­mer­cial Jazz, Broad­way, Lyri­cal, Con­tem­po­rary, Hip Hop and Ball­room over these 19 years.

“I love watch­ing the rou­tines I chore­o­graph come to life in class and on stage — it’s such a joy!”

She has com­peted in com­pe­ti­tions around the region & state includ­ing the Crown Inter­na­tional Dance Fes­ti­val in Mel­bourne. She also per­formed in many regional, state & inter­state per­for­mances includ­ing danc­ing at Aurora Sta­dium, Tas­ma­nia with The Funk Fac­tory Dance Crew.

After teach­ing in Bairns­dale for 6 years, Bob­bie took the big jump in 2013 and opened up BOLD School of Dance in Lakes Entrance and Orbost — bring­ing dance to far East Gippsland.

Cass Don­ald — Adults Group Fit­ness… With a Twist!

With thir­teen years dance expe­ri­ence under her belt, Cass is a dynamic indi­vid­ual and an asset to the BOLD staff team!
She has com­peted in com­pe­ti­tions around the region & state includ­ing the Crown Inter­na­tional Dance Fes­ti­val in Mel­bourne, as well as par­tic­i­pat­ing in work­shops with the Justin Beiber dancers.

Cass holds her Cer­tifi­cate 3 & 4 in Fit­ness, is a cer­ti­fied ZUMBA!, water aer­o­bics & box­ing instruc­tor and is COTA cer­ti­fied (fit­ness for elderly/aged care per­son­nel) and has a mas­sive ammount of pas­sion for fitness!

Cass takes the adults class — teach­ing Adults Group Fit­ness. For the Term One timetable, head over to the Class Times page at

Our philosophy is as the dictionary says…
BOLD - Adjective: (of a person, action or idea) SHOWING AN ABILITY TO TAKE RISKS; CONFIDENT & COURAGEOUS.
